
A quarter of supermarket staff have experienced abuse during the coronavirus pandemic

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Michael Ely / Geograph

A new report has shown that 26% of the staff in UK supermarkets have experienced incidents of abuse from customers during the pandemic.

The report explains that while many of the 500 UK supermarkets surveyed (56%) have not experienced direct abuse, the staff still reported cases of customers behaving aggressively and ‘shouting in frustration’ while shopping. 

The report has been done by Shepper, and its co-founder, Jan Vanhoutte said: “Shop floor supermarket employees have been critical to our society during this challenging time, they are heroes in their own right, working on the frontline despite the risks, to help the nation.”

She continued: ”Whilst it’s upsetting to learn that this abuse is so prevalent, we’re glad to have highlighted the issue so that supermarkets can take action to help their staff further.”

David Clark / Geograph

The Shepper co-founder also hopes that the insights will encourage the wider public to be more mindful of how we treat those who are already doing so much for our country.

The experience of abuse, according to the research, was prevalent across all the retailers surveyed including Asda, Aldi, Morisons, Sainsburys, Tesco and Lidl. 

However, Aldi staff reported the highest percentage of abuse at 35% compared with 26% found in Asda, 21% in Morrisons, 25% in Sainsburys, 25% in Tesco and 28% in Lidl.

“This is an important issue for the industry and one we take extremely seriously,” said an Aldi spokeswoman.

She added: “Over the past few months, our colleagues have worked tirelessly to help feed the nation and we have comprehensive measures in place to protect and support our store teams.”

Eirian Evans / Geograph

The  British Retail Consortium advised retailers to continue working with the police to protect their staff. 

Helen Dickinson, the CEO of BRC said: “Retail staff all across the country have done a heroic job is ensuring we can get the essential items we need. Despite carrying out this crucial job in the most challenging circumstances, hardworking staff are still subject to violence and abuse.

“Any forms of this behaviour will not be tolerated and retailers will continue to work with the police to protect their staff and customers. The BRC is calling for tougher sentences for people who assault retail workers as no one should have to go to work fearing violence or threats.”

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