Food & Drink

Gin company is looking for taste testers in the North West to sample local gin

Dream job!



Louis Hansel/Unsplash

Calling all gin lovers, this might just be your dream job.

The Local Gin Company is looking for two gin tasters to join the team working across eight regions in the UK.

You’ll have to taste the local and premium pink gins and provide honest feedback to the company’s Gin Selection Team. What a dream. 

The tasters will have the honour of sipping on a glass of gin and tonic and simply need to provide feedback. 

Mikey Harris

If the gin doesn’t pass the test based on your feedback, it won’t make the cut of being added to their boxes. 

The ideal workers will be passionate about supporting local, where the gins are specially made.

If you fancy applying you’ll have to be quick as the application closes on December 31st. You’ll need to apply to taste dry gins within your region. 

Luckily, the North West is one of the locations as well as North East, Yorkshire & The Humber, Midlands, East of England, South West, South East and London. 

To apply simply fill out this form here where you’ll have to provide your full name, email, contact number and why you are the best candidate.

Of course, you must be over 18 to apply and a resident of England. Although it’s not a paid position, you will regularly receive gin to taste! 

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