TV & Film

Pussycat Dolls get 419 Ofcom complaints over ‘inappropriate’ X Factor performance

Was it too much or are people just overreacting?




In case you missed it, the Pussycat Dolls reunited last week and celebrated the news by performing on The X Factor over the weekend.

Nicole Sherzinger, Ashley Roberts, Kimberly Wyatt, Jessica Sutta and Carmit Bachar got back together for the band’s first performance in ten years.

However, their comeback gig didn’t pass without a bit of controversy, as some viewers were too distracted from the performance by the outfits they were wearing.

One viewer described it as a ‘strip show’, while another added: “Where did they leave their clothes, kinda inappropriate for a family tv show?”

Another suitably shocked viewer described it as: “S&M style dance moves wouldn’t have been out of place on an adult channel”.

And now Ofcom have been dragged into it, with Mirror Online reporting that the television watchdog received 419 complaints about the performance – making it one of the most complained-about TV moments of 2019. 

So what do we think? Was it way too much for X Factor or are people just overreacting?

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