Piers Morgan has racked up 312 Ofcom complaints over just four days on Good Morning Britain.
On June 23rd, as his co-host Susanna Reid tried to read a statement from the Department of Health, Piers blocked her from doing so. This came after government ministers had boycotted the ITV programme for more than 60 days, refusing to be interviewed.
This clash received 221 complaints on the day, and the rest followed in the days after.
Good Morning Britain/YouTube
Piers interrupted her mid-sentence with ‘I’m sorry, why have we got to read this?’ and as she tried to continue to speak he said: “If the government won’t come on the programme, why should we read their wishy washy statement?”
“If they want to have their statement read, come on the show.”
Susanna then asked if she could read the statement and Piers replied with a firm ‘no’. He angrily said: “If they’re boycotting us, I am going to boycott their stupid little statements”.
Despite Susanna explaining that he didn’t need to read the statement and that she would, attempting to read it once again, Piers put his fingers in ears and shouted: “Why should we read government statements if they can’t be bothered to come on the show?
“It’s not happening – not on my watch.”
According to Ofcom, there were a further 91 complaints spread over three other days, June 24th, June 26th and June 29th, with 62, 15 and 14 complaints on each day respectively.
Piers has also been slammed by viewers for having a pint at 6:38am in the morning during the hosting of Good Morning Britain.
According to Ofcom, he received eight whole complaints. Piers replied with an Instagram post captioned: “BOOM! First pint of Harvey’s in 4 months! Who cares it’s only 6:42am… and I’ve got 2 more hours of live TV.”
But people were not happy with this response with one user responding: “Drinking beer while you are at work you should be sacked”.