TV & Film

Netflix viewers say new true crime documentary about stalker is ‘craziest and scariest’ ever

‘It’s absolutely terrifying, I’m only one episode in but it’s CRAZY’




Viewers of a new crime documentary on Netflix about Britain’s most prolific cyber stalker have called it the ‘craziest and scariest’ they have seen.

If you’ve finished binge-watching one Netflix series and are looking for something new to watch, you might want to give this one a try.

There’s several new additions to the streaming platform that viewers are jumping on at the moment, including the emotional, tear-jerking romance One Day and the plot-twisting dating series Love Is Blind.


But if you’re into true crime then this could be the one you can sink your teeth into – called Can I Tell You A Secret?, the brand new true crime documentary is about the life-shattering realities of cyberstalking.

The docu-series follows the harrowing story of Matthew James Hardy, from Cheshire, who was sentenced to nine years in prison for five counts of stalking, the longest custodial term in British history for online stalking.

For those unfamiliar with the concept; cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organisation. 


It may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, doxing, or blackmail. 

Cyberstalking is considered a serious crime in the UK and a conviction can result in a restraining order, probation, or criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail time.

Between 2016 and 2021, Hardy infiltrated the social media accounts of a number of women, using fake profiles so he could befriend his victims online.


Targeting mostly young women, he would then terrify and spread lies about them to create rifts among their families and friends, forcing some of them to sleep with a weapon under their pillow.

The series also hears the terrifying personal accounts from the victims, who were each approached by a mysterious social media profile which appeared to be used by another woman. This mysterious user introduced themselves by asking those six dreaded words – ‘Can I tell you a secret?’

One of the victims, Gina Martin, recalls: “He would use the same picture as my actual account. He would strike up conversations with people, spreading rumours and lies.”


“He has caused such damage to people, relationships have been completely severed. He said one of his other victims was sleeping with her mum’s brother,” she continued.

The two-part miniseries explores three of the women’s experiences, discussions with his former school friends, the police investigation, and how Hardy was ultimately brought to justice. It is also produced by legendary documentarian Louis Theroux.

Since landing on Netflix last week, hundreds of viewers have since taken to social media to express the profound effect it has had on them.

One fan wrote: “Can I tell you a secret on Netflix I can say is one of the craziest and scariest documentaries I’ve watched. It’s literally about stalkers and their victims, I recommend y’all to watch especially women.”


Another said: “Watching Can I Tell You A Secret on Netflix and realising it’s about the same person who made fake profiles of me and literally every single one of friends from home in Cheshire – This is wild.”

Someone else wrote: “I have a new Netflix recommendation for all the true crime documentary lovers. Can I Tell You A Secret? On Netflix. It’s absolutely terrifying, I’m only one episode in but it’s CRAZY.”

And a fourth added: “Watching ‘Can I Tell You a Secret?’ @netflix A superb documentary that perfectly evokes the horror of cyberstalking. Much of our life & many of our vulnerabilities end up on social media & there ‘s no telling who is at the other end.”

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