TV & Film

Come Dine With Me is looking for amateur cooks from Manchester for new series

If you’ve got all the grace and decorum of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on, get applying!



Channel 4

Know your way around the kitchen? Reckon your curry is the best in all of Manchester? Or do you just fancy competing for a £1,000 cash prize? 

Well, you’d best get your oven mitts at the ready because everybody’s favourite reality cooking show, Channel 4’s Come Dine With Me, is on the hunt for keen cooks for their next series.

First airing back in 2005, Come Dine With Me has evolved from your bog-standard cooking show into a cultural phenomenon in its own right.

Channel 4

The premise is simple – five contestants each take it in turn to host their own dinner party complete with a three-course menu and entertainment. After each evening concludes, contestants rate each other on the quality of their food and their hosting skills, with the winner eventually taking home a £1,000 cash prize at the end of the week.

Over the years, the show has provided countless iconic and brilliantly quotable moments – we all remember Jane and her sad little life, don’t we?

Well, you could be a part of the fun very soon (or become the latest viral sensation granted you shove a whole whisk in your mouth), as Channel 4 are now casting for the latest series.

Channel 4

The casting call isn’t fussy – you simply need to be eighteen years or older and be eligible to live and work here in the UK.

To apply, you’ll need to fill out an application form before the closing date on September 10th, 2021.

Reckon you’re up to the challenge? You can find the full details and application here.

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