TV & Film

Channel 5 show is looking for nightmare neighbours in Greater Manchester

Now’s your chance to tell your story



The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door / Facebook

There’s nothing worse than finding your dream home, only to discover down the line that your neighbours are an absolute nightmare.

If that has happened to you, now’s your chance to appear on TV to air your grievances.

The Channel 5 show The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door is looking for people to take part in the new series.

The show is gearing up for its eighth series, and is on the lookout for people in Greater Manchester to get in touch with their stories.

Bill Boaden/Geograph

During each episode stories are told from the point of view of the neighbour who has reported their ‘nightmare neighbour’, going into detail about their experiences.

The story will delve into how the confrontation started, what the situation is like now, and whether or not it has escalated.

While it’s the person who reported the neighbour that leads the narrative, both parties are approached for comment.

The show is produced by Avalon Factual, and the company is calling for Greater Manchester residents to appear on the show and settle any long-standing disputes.

They Posted to Facebook, saying: “The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door is back!

“Are your neighbours a nightmare? Do you have a dispute with your neighbour either past or present, want to share your story?

“Contact the team today by emailing”.

For more information or to apply, simply email

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