TV & Film

Channel 4 casting for dads and their kids to go on jungle adventure show

A new jungle adventure series is looking for dads and their kids!



ed_stafford / Instagram & Bild von bere von awstburg auf Pixabay / Wikimedia

Channel 4 are casting for dads and their kids to go on a once in a lifetime trip to the jungle with a famous adventurer for a new TV show.

World-famous adventurer Ed Stafford wants a group of dads to take their 11-15-year-olds with them on this new incredible opportunity to spend three weeks in the jungle.

Are you tired of the mundane 9-5, of staring at the same concrete blocks everyday as you spend your life sitting in traffic, or cooped up at work? Do the pressures of modern work-life make it more difficult to be a parent?

Would you love to travel to somewhere far away in the middle of nature and go exploring, as well as experience growth by testing your limits, have some actual time to bond with your child, and make incredible memories to cherish forever? 

Answered ‘yes’ to these? If you would love the chance to go back to basics, focus on your relationship with your child and make some unforgettable memories, this series is for you.  

If you are interested in taking part, Channel 4 would love to hear from you asap!

Bild von bere von awstburg auf Pixabay / Wikimedia

To apply, email:

For more information visit

(Please note – families must be UK based, available for filming during summer holidays 2023 and have children aged 11-15 to apply).

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