
Waste removers share photos revealing the shocking state a house in Bury was left in

This is something else…



Senior Waste Removals/Facebook

Removers shared the state of a filthy house that took three vans of rubbish to empty, and which someone was living in just one week prior. 

Pictures have revealed a house absolutely covered in rubbish, dirt, and even ‘bottles of urine’ that removers had to remove. 

Senior Waste Removals were called in to clean up the home, describing it as the ‘worst they have ever dealt with’ in the five years the company has been operating. 

The clean up took four men and a total of seven hours to complete, with all of the rubbish filling three industrial-size vans. 

Senior Waste Removals/Facebook

Owner of Senior Waste Removals, Warren Senior, spoke to the Manchester Evening News. He said: “It’s the worst house we’ve ever seen in five years of doing this and we’ve done some nasty jobs.

“I got a call from the private landlord, they wanted me to go down and have a look to get an idea of how much it would cost to remove the waste. They just told me it was ‘quite bad’.”

Despite seeing some sights in his line of work, even Warren was shocked at just how ‘bad’ the house was. He struggled to even get inside as rubbish blocked the door.

Warren told the MEN: “I struggled to open the door because of all the food wrappers, rubbish and flies coming out. I could tell from that moment that it was going to be bad.

“I’ve got quite a strong stomach and I’ve never not wanted to go in and price up a job, but it took me five minutes to gear myself up and get inside.

Senior Waste Removals/Facebook

“The front door opened to the kitchen and it was just waist-high full of rubbish, all of the appliances were completely covered.

“I walked into the hallway and found a set of stairs, I had to climb up to the front room which was covered in flies.

“The main room had couches but they were in a state and to the left there was a bathroom but that was a mess as well.

“I had to climb over piles of rubbish to get to the bedroom.”

Senior Waste Removals/Facebook

Warren added: “Someone was actually living in that property a week before. Someone was actually living in that.

“There were bottles of urine around the place that had just been left there.

“What’s also quite strange is that when I went up to the third floor, I opened a door and there was absolutely nothing. Just an empty room.

“Maybe they weren’t very mobile and just lived on the one floor. Clearly there are some mental health problems at play.”

Senior Waste Removals/Facebook

But rubbish wasn’t the only surprise in this house. Warren said: “The lads went into the kitchen and started moving things around.

“They uncovered a nest of around 20 mice. Luckily my guys are used to this, we work with Bury and Bolton Council on jobs and deal with a lot of rats.

“They just had the task of bagging up all the waste. It took a full day: four guys, seven hours and three van-loads. That’s a lot for us. They had just used it as one giant bin.”

The work ended up costing six times the usual amount for a removal company, racking up thousands of pounds worth of rubbish to remove. 

The house was a shell after they left. Warren added: “We change the identity of the house. 

“We lift everything up, including the floor coverings. Now it’s ready for the landlord to do whatever changes need to be made so someone else can move in.”

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