
Student accidentally eats Cadbury Creme Egg worth up to £10,000

The travesty of all travesties…



Cadbury & Auntie P / Flickr

A student recently hit his ‘lowest point’ after unknowingly eating a half-and-half Creme Egg worth up to £10,000.

For anyone else unaware, Cadbury scattered 146 half milk and half white chocolate Creme Eggs in various retailers across the country earlier this year, all of which boast generous cash prizes.

Each egg carries with it a different value, with six eggs being worth £10,000, three eggs worth £5,000 and four worth £1,000. 

The rest varied in value from £50-£500. 


The half and half Creme Eggs come concealed in regular Creme Egg packaging, making the hunt for them that little bit harder and all the more exciting.

Those who manage to come across one have been urged by Cadbury to refrain from eating it and to save the packaging, as they’ll need them to claim their cash prize. 

However, one student missed out on this memo and scoffed down his unusual looking Creme Egg, blissfully unaware of the money he was missing out on. 

Well, he’s realised the error of his ways now and, in a comical Reddit post, has shared his heartbreak with the world.

Auntie P / Flickr

In the post, the anonymous student confessed he had no idea that the egg was special until he saw an advert for the promotion just a few hours later, when he had already eaten it and thrown the wrapper in a public bin.

He wrote: “I am an international student studying in the UK, and so I don’t really keep up with the ads here.

“A few months ago, Cadbury released 145 prize-winning eggs across the country with the chance of winning a range of cash prizes including £10,000 (which is half my university tuition).

“Long story short, I was scrolling through Instagram today and saw the prize-winning egg that looked identical to the one I ate a couple of hours ago.

“It then dawned on me. I potentially ate £10,000.”

His blunder left him facing what he described as ‘utter defeat’, with him adding: “I think I have officially hit the lowest point in the short 21 years of my life.”

The student concluded: “I am possibly going to sh*t out a £10,000 piece of sh*t.”

Moral of the story? If you come across a half-and-half Creme Egg, hold back from eating it and call the number printed on the tin foil wrapping to register your win. 

All prizes must be claimed by June 17th, 2022, so get stocking up. For more information, visit the Cadbury website.

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