
Snickers has been voted Manchester’s favourite chocolate bar

The chocolate bar to claim second place is a controversial one…



A groundbreaking new study has revealed that the humble Snickers is Greater Manchester’s favourite chocolate bar. 

In an analysis that none of us knew we needed, delved into statistics provided by Google to discover which chocolate bars are the UK’s favourite by county, ahead of World Chocolate Day next week on July 7th.

And, low and behold, apparently us Mancs love a Snickers.

@snickers_official_ua / Instagram

Admittedly, it is a somewhat unexpected choice, because rather than being a firm favourite, the gooey, caramely and nutty treat has actually divided opinions for decades – we all know someone who hates them, don’t we?

But the study showed that the average Mancunian spends a staggering £4,914 on Snickers bars in their lifetime – a single Snickers bar costs 65p, meaning the average adult eats their favourite chocolate bar 7,560 times in their lives. That’s a lot of Snickers.

And, even more controversially, the devilishly coconut Bounty came second for Greater Manchester. It seems that people don’t hate it as much as they claim…

@limitededition_52 / Instagram

Anyway, the study also showed that our neighbours in Cheshire favour a Bounty (controversial), Merseyside residents love a Cadbury Flake (understandable), and Lancashire prefers Lindor (posh).

It was also found that, as a county, Britain is a nation of chocolate lovers, with the average Brit predicted to consume 7,560 chocolate bars, 2,268 slices of chocolate cake and 8,316 chocolate biscuits in a lifetime.

Check out the full study here.

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