
Shocking moment Poundland worker karate kicks alleged shoplifter before tackling him

This has divided opinion



@imjustsheff / Twitter

A video showing a dedicated Poundland worker karate kicking and body slamming an alleged shoplifter has been doing the rounds online today.

The incident took place at a one of the budget stores in Sheffield, South Yorkshire when a young man was caught allegedly trying to steal boxes of Jaffa Cakes.

Footage of the brawl shows an employee putting the man, who was wearing a grey tracksuit, in a headlock before knocking him down surrounded by the boxes of Jaffa Cakes.

Chris Talbot / Geograph

Another Poundland worker then wades into the equation and grabs the man by his hoodie – here, he attempts to scramble away, resulting in his tracksuit bottoms being pulled down and his shoes falling off. 

Just when you’d think both parties would call it a day, the same staff member, who appears to have only one arm, then lunges at the man before performing a karate kick.

The clip ends with the man on the floor as the two workers make their way back into the store. It is believed that, from here, the police were called and informed of what had just taken place.

Opinions have been mixed on the video, with some people applauding the workers for their ‘no nonsense’ approach, and others criticising them for being too aggressive. 

One person wrote: “Hope they don’t sack the guy. This was satisfying to watch tbh, when I worked in retail we had people like that and I really wanted to go off like this Poundland guy did.”

However, another noted: “The final slam was extremely dangerous, if he hadn’t been off the edge of curb he could have smacked back of his head and that would have been it… It is insanely easy to die from something like that.”

A Poundland spokesperson has since addressed the incident, saying: “Our colleagues face difficulties every day in dealing with shoplifters. 

“We’re pleased that this incident is now in the hands of the police.”

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