
Rare triplets with ‘one in 200 million’ chance of being identical celebrate first birthday

The twins were conceived naturally and all shared on placenta, which is an incredibly rare occurrence



@the_cheshire_triplets / Instagram

A set of ‘one in 200 million’ identical triplets are celebrating their first birthday as their parents say raising them has been the ‘hardest but best job’.

Gina Dewdney and her husband Craig found out they had naturally conceived triplets during a routine scan at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, an occurrence that has a one in 200 million chance of happening.

Gina, thirty-four, said she had an ‘inkling’ she was having twins at first – which was later confirmed with a scan – before the couple spotted a third head on the screen.

She recalled, as per the BBC: “Twenty minutes into the scan Craig said ‘is that a third head?’ and there was silence.

@the_cheshire_triplets / Instagram

“The consultant said in twenty-five years of scanning they’d never seen triplets, and they were all sharing one placenta which is super, super rare.”

When Jaxon, Jimmy and Jensen were born, they had to spend six weeks in the hospital before being allowed to come home.

But now, they are on the cusp of celebrating their milestone first birthday and, despite Gina and Craig’s initial concerns, the family have established their own carefully planned routine.

Craig said: “If they are even twenty minutes out of sync from one another, you’ll settle one down and then the other one will wake up and then that one could potentially wake up the baby that you’ve just put to sleep.”

@the_cheshire_triplets / Instagram

He also admitted that feeding time is ‘interesting’, saying: “I have to tidy away while Gina is feeding them or if Gina is spoon-feeding two of them I’ll go in with the other. It’s just learning how to work together with them.”

The couple have set up the triplets’ own Instagram page, The Cheshire Triplets, where they share daily updates on the their children, life raising triplets and Gina’s postpartum journey to their 20,000 followers.

Gina said on the account: “On Instagram I’m getting loads of interest from people from all around the world who are having triplets or twins.

“They just want to know life hacks, how to do things, how I manage with three so it’s been a really positive thing that’s come out of this.”

You can follow The Cheshire Triplets Instagram page here.

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