
Office worker padlocks milk in work fridge and sparks huge debate

‘I vote not petty’



Vented55 / Reddit

A staff member sparked a huge debate online, after sharing a photo of padlocked milk in the communal fridge at their place of work.

The office kitchen is where we get to see sides of our colleagues that may reflect how they live at home, as we witness peoples’ weird habits. It can become the battleground where pettiness erupts into disputes and passive aggressive acts, as people grind each other’s gears.

We all know the types; there’s the person who leaves food chunks blocking the plughole, the one who leaves their lunch well past its best before date in the fridge, as it grows a whole mould colony living on it, and those who just dump their dishes in the sink for someone else to do.

In this case, one person had enough of others using their milk so took what some may call ‘extreme measures’ to ensure no one would steal their property — it’s not surprising considering the cost of groceries during the cost of living crisis!

Vented55 / Reddit

There’s nothing worse than purchasing a pint of milk for making cuppas at work and then opening the fridge to make yourself one only to discover that someone has been sneakily using it and there’s none left for you.

Not only that, they never own up and never replace it!

In a post on Reddit, one user shared a picture of the lengths gone to in order to make sure they have plenty of milk to brew up with at work for the week.

The picture was captioned: ‘Peak pettiness or justifiable security in the office kitchen?’ — and the internet erupted. Users exploded in the comments as they shared their strong opinions on this particular office kitchen etiquette.

One person replied: “It’s kind of both at once. If people didn’t take what’s not theirs there would be no need.

“I wouldn’t go that far with milk but people lost food at the last place I was at. A 12 hour shift with no food ain’t a joke.”

A second chirped: “As someone who used to buy a 2 pints of milk every week, only for it to be completely empty by Wednesday morning, I totally understand the rationale.” Adding: “I vote not petty.”

A third shared: “I’m always happy to share my milk in the office, but the amount of times I have found that MY milk which I bought is completely empty with no replacement offered/available makes me feel this is completely justified.

Mike Peel / Wikimedia

“Nothing worse than making a cuppa only to find that someone finished the milk and left you high and dry (of milk).”

While fourth agreed: “It’s not any more petty than using a locker to store your belongings, or locking up your bike. It’s not petty to stop people from stealing your stuff.” And a fifth person added: “Having had someone steal my food in work, I totally agree.

“Once bought some chilli spray a few million on the Scoville scale and sprayed it on the underside of my sausage roll ‘lunch’. While I don’t know who did, I do know that someone got a surprise.” — Well, that’s sure to teach them a lesson!

And someone wanted to know: “Where can these be purchased? Asking for a friend.”

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