
Mums slam people who put their Christmas tree up early saying it’s ‘vulgar’ and ‘tacky’

You do you, tbh…



neonbrand & Caleb Fisher/Unsplash

Mums on Mumsnet have called people who put their tree up before December ‘tacky’ and ‘vulgar’.

While we won’t judge you, either way, some people have got pretty strong opinions on exactly when they and everyone around them should put their Christmas trees up.

Some do it just after Halloween, others wait until December 1st, while some might do it as soon as the autumn leaves fall – and after the year we’ve had, you can’t really begrudge anyone wanting to spread some festive cheer, can you?

A number of parents have headed to Mumsnet to let everyone know their thoughts on the matter.

One person said any time before December was ‘ridiculously too early’, adding: “Were you born in a barn?”

A second went one step further (possibly too far): “NOT before December 1st. We need laws. Including the death penalty for shops who put Xmas stuff out in September.”

A third commented: “No it’s stupidly, embarrassingly early.” Someone else said putting decorations up before December ‘ludicrous’. 

One mum let everyone else know exactly what she thought, writing: “Trees up this early is so tacky! Don’t do it. Christmas Eve to Twelfth Night. Anything else is a bit vulgar really.”

edik niko/Unsplash

Someone thought mid-December is the right time adding: “25th November is insanely early too! 15th December is the earliest it should go up. Down on the 6th of January.”

A lot of these people were slammed as the Grinch for not getting in the festive spirit.

When do you think is the perfect time to put your tree up? Just do that, tbh…


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