
Mum shares toddler’s hilarious attempt at decorating nan’s Christmas tree

It’s a good effort.




A Christmas tree has gone viral after a writer explained that her toddler was let loose with the decorations.

It’s news to me that people have set ways of decorating the tree, I thought you just shove things on, take a step back at the end and be proud that the job is done.

However, some people are a little pickier than I am when it comes to putting baubles on a tree that will only be in your living room for around four weeks.

That does involve sometimes letting your kids inhibitions run wild with tinsel and fairy lights. 

And this year is no different. One mum, AC Thomas, has shared her kid’s latest creation with the caption: “My toddler decorated my mother in law’s tree.”

The photo shows a pretty sparse looking tree with a few snowflakes decorations dotted around near the top and a silver angel on the top.

The bottom half is packed with red and silver baubles all rather perfectly placed at toddler height. 

The tweet went viral getting over 410,000 likes and more than 38,000 tweets. 

One person wrote: “Your kid has a good eye. Just needs some height”, while another added ‘give the kid a stepladder and you’re good to go’. 

A third wrote: “Well they are on to something there! If you continue up using different blocks of coloured ornaments, that actually would look awesome!”

A fourth added: “You should make it so the kid decorates the tree every year and eventually the ornaments would get higher and higher as they grow!”

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