
Mum shamed on Facebook for sharing the £1 meal she makes for her kids

Some people need to be kind!!!




Mum has been slammed after sharing a £1 meal to feed kids, which others are calling ‘unbalanced’ and ‘unhealthy’.

The mum shared the meal she prepares for her children who are 14 and 8, explaining that ‘they don’t always need veg to be healthy’.

But Facebook users have been very quick to judge the mum, despite the current climate that has left many people without jobs and struggling. 

One person wrote: “All I see is carb overload.” Another added: “Children don’t need veg every sitting but that’s not a healthy balanced meal.”


One user said this is the reason people need to be educated on nutrition, saying: “It’s comfort food it isn’t healthy, potato is a root vegetable that does not count as one of the five. There is nothing wrong with it but it isn’t a healthy dinner. Two out of three items on the plate are processed food (if mash is homemade if Smash then 3/3)”.

Adding: “It’s facts and it just shows how much food/nutrition education is still needed in UK.”

Despite all the negativity, there were some kindhearted and understanding people who have supported the mum.

One wrote: “Surely with all that’s happened this year with Covid and job losses the main point is the children are being fed.

“Why do people care what other parents are feeding their children, it has absolutely no impact on your life or day whatsoever.”

Another added: “Full tummies is all that matters. Not everyone can afford to have balanced meals every single time. Sometimes people just need to fill up their little people’s tummies. Be kind.”

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