
Man gets huge Stella Artois tattoo on head to show off his love for the beer

Of course, there was a lot of beer involved in the decision making behind the tattoo…



@connordavidson65 / TikTok

A Stella Artois drinker recently took his love of the drink to a whole new level by getting the logo permanently emblazoned on the back of his head.

Connor Davidson was dared to get the logo of the Belgian brew tattooed on his head during a boozy afternoon with his friends, who had found him the ‘perfect’ design online. 

He told LadBible: “I was just around my mate’s one day having a few drinks when one of my mates saw the design and he turned around to me and was like, ‘I bet you won’t get this done’. But when someone dares me, I always do it.”

Infected with a bit of Dutch courage, Connor agreed to the dare and, just a few weeks later, was booked in at his local tattoo parlour, Absolute Art in Leicester, to get the logo inked. 

Following the completion of his new tattoo – which features the Stella logo peeking ominously behind torn skin – Connor shared photos of it on TikTok, where it was catapulted to viral fame. 

At the time of writing, the video has had over 2.3 million views, something Connor says he had never anticipated.

He said: “Normally I put everything up there, and it never happens. I put this up, and it’s only a tattoo and well, and I thought, ‘how the hell has this just blown up?'”

Connor, who is currently training to be a tattoo artist himself, said the original dare was to get the tattoo on the back of his leg, but he decided at the last minute to ‘take it one step further’ by getting it on his head.

He explained: “I went one step further and got it on the back of my head. Because I’ve got both sides done, it was only a little small gap at the back.”

@connordavidson65 / TikTok

Yet Connor said while all his friends like the tattoo, his family ‘aren’t keen’ on the unusual ink. “But it’s there now”, he added. 

As for the online reaction, Connor admitted his tattoo has been subjected to ‘a bit of both’ sides of the debate.

He said: “You get some people who say ‘EDL final boss’, ‘wife-beater’ and all that, but there are a load of decent comments. But it feels like there’s a couple of people driving it.”

For the most part, however, the tattoo went down a storm amongst fellow pub enthusiasts on TikTok, with one person commenting: “Spot on are kid see you in the local for a few.”

Another wrote encouragingly: “That’s quality mate, should be proud.”


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