
Huge queues at Trafford Centre as shoppers wait in the rain for an hour to get in yesterday

Did you head down yesterday?



Connor Clarke / Twitter

In typical Manchester fashion, yesterday’s Bank Holiday Monday was an absolute washout.

This didn’t stop people from heading out to do a bit of shopping, however, with huge queues seen at the Trafford Centre.

According to reports, shoppers queued for an hour to get into the shopping centre, with some people forced to wait in the rain.

While signs in the car park were put up to let people know the centre was ‘full’, shoppers still headed in, with one saying social distancing wasn’t being observed.

Meanwhile the Trafford Centre responded by saying that customer safety is its ‘highest priority’, adding that ‘strict capacity limits’ are observed inside the shopping centre.

20-year-old Connor Clarke from Trafford told the Manchester Evening News: “We were standing in the queue in the rain for about an hour, it was just not moving.

“There was no distancing whatsoever, a lot of people weren’t wearing masks. I can understand it’s obviously outside, and it’s a well ventilated area.”

According to Connor people who were queuing were eventually allowed in, he added: “I think they just gave up and let everybody in.”

Zoe Inman, centre director at the Trafford Centre, told the MEN: “Our highest priority is to keep people wishing to enter the centre safe at all times. We have strict capacity limits and social distancing measures in place to keep everyone safe.

“We have advised visitors to plan their trip carefully and check our website for store opening information and current COVID-19 restrictions in advance.

“Highlighting that at busier times, such as weekends and Bank Holidays, they may have to queue to get in – and should come prepared for the weather.

“Face coverings are mandatory and must be worn when entering the centre, in stores and when walking throughout the malls, unless exempt.”

She added: “Bank Holidays are always popular at the centre, and this weekend is no exception.

“Our security staff are committed to making sure all the safety measures remain in place, like capacity limits, hand sanitisation stations, mandatory mask wearing and enforced social distancing.

“On occasion, this weekend we have been at capacity and customers have had to wait to enter the centre. We thank everyone for their patience and consideration whilst doing so.

“I am proud of our dedicated on-site teams working tirelessly to ensure the safety of all our visitors across a very busy and blustery Bank Holiday weekend.”

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