
Get paid £24K to watch Netflix and nap in bed all day as part of dream job

We all know someone who’d be perfect for this…



David Balev / Unsplash & Andisheh A / Unsplash

A company is on the lookout for a professional Netflix binger and napper to apply for their new vacancy, which offers a handsome salary of £24K per annum.

In what could be the dream job for most of us, bespoke luxury bed company Crafted Beds are now taking applications for an official Mattress Tester to join the team.

The job role has been designed to ensure that customers are getting the absolute best quality mattresses for ultimate comfort, so will pay the successful applicant to try out a range of mattresses by, well, sleeping and napping on them. 

@entersge / Unsplash

The job is contracted to 37.5 hours per week and is completely remote, meaning the successful applicant will be able to do their work from the comfort of their own home (or bed).

The job’s official description reads: “You’ll be working core hours, 37.5 hours a week, watching Netflix and napping on a Crafted Beds mattress to assess its comfortability score. You’ll extensively review the mattress and let us know whether you believe the quality is high enough to distribute to our customers.”

Brian Dillon, Marketing Manager at Crafted Beds, said: “We’re extremely excited to launch this role as customer satisfaction means the utmost to us.

Andisheh A / Unsplash

“Whilst we have glowing reviews from our existing shoppers, we want to ensure that this continues, and hiring a mattress tester is a part of this strategy. This role will be an integral part of the Crafted Beds team.”

Applicants must be aged eighteen or older, UK based, able to test the mattress alone without disruption, and have strong written communication skills to fill out the review form. 

Is this the dream job for you? If so, you can apply here.

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