
England facing ‘invasion’ of Scots and Welsh looking for a NYE party

Scottish and Welsh citizens are still allowed to travel to England, despite the restrictions in their own countries



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Venues across England are bracing themselves for an influx of Scottish and Welsh party-goers as they attempt to avoid Covid restrictions for their New Year’s Eve celebrations.

England is the only country in the UK that remains open for New Year’s Eve, with the Prime Minister announcing this week that no further restrictions will be introduced for the remainder of the year.

However, Wales has implemented a number of tough restrictions, including limiting groups to a maximum of six people in pubs, cinemas and restaurants and closing nightclubs and other large venues.

Up in Scotland, a number of restrictions are also in place, including a three household cap when meeting indoors, a one-metre distancing rule for groups at indoor and outdoor venues such as bars, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and gyms, and the closure of all nightclubs.

Yet while Scottish and Welsh citizens have been urged by their governments to not travel to England for the New Year’s Eve festivities, many have been sharing their plans to ‘invade’ the country to make the most of their celebrations.

One Scottish party-goer tweeted: “Coach loads of us going to Newcastle to celebrate New Year, absolutely shocking c**p up here in Scotland.”

A Twitter user from Wales wrote: “I’ll probably go to Bristol to go out clubbing considering night clubs are closed in Wales. Genuinely the government between England, Scotland and Wales need to be working together because it’s become points scoring and who can do better.”

Another Welshman said “I’ve had 3 jabs. I’ve lost 2 bookings in hotels in Swansea ..boxing night and nye….f*ck it. I’ve now booked three nights in Torquay …all the people in my local in Swansea are off to Bristol, Newcastle and Liverpool.”

The variety of restrictions has also been criticised by many experts, who have slammed Boris Johnson’s decision to not impose similar restrictions.

Dr. Sarah Pitt, said it doesn’t make any sense for UK nations to have different Covid restrictions, with her telling LBC Radio: “If people can’t go to a New Year’s Eve party in Wales or Scotland, they’ll just tip over the borders into England, won’t they, thus potentially taking the virus and spreading it… And then taking it back home.

“So it makes sense to have one set of measures across the whole country and I think it does make sense to have some measures to try and stop the spread of the virus at this point.”

As it stands, there are no restrictions on Scottish and Welsh citizens travelling to England for the New Year’s Eve celebrations.

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