
Drivers with messy cars warned they could be hit with fine

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Daveynin & Readerwalker / Flickr

Drivers with messy cars could be hit with a hefty fine and penalty points added to their licence — here’s why.

Motorists who keep their vehicle like a pigsty — jeopardising safety — could be landed with a £100 penalty.

As well as other safety checks for road worthiness, it’s also important to give your car interior some TLC before heading out on the road.

While there is no fine specifically for having a messy interior, too much litter could fall under the careless driving rule.

Reader Walker / Flickr

Jamie Louram, Halford’s car cleaning buyer, has put together some top tips on what to look out for, how to avoid a penalty and ensure your car is safe to drive.

If found to be driving without care and attention, police can issue on-the-spot fines of up to £100 and three penalty points on your licence.

More serious cases can result in a trip to court and see fines of up to £2,500 and a disqualification. 

Jamie said it is therefore vital to keep your car clear of clutter, particularly in the footwell to prevent anything getting stuck under the brake pedal or obstructing the dashboard — which could block your view.

Reader Walker / Flickr

And it’s not just mucky interiors that can land you in trouble. It’s just as important to keep the outside of your vehicle squeaky clean.

A dirty windscreen is not only dangerous but it can be seen as careless driving which again, can result in a £100 fine and three points on your licence.

Mucky mirrors can also limit your vision, and could also see you fined for the same amount.

And obscured number plates can lead to fines of up to £1,000 if the digits can’t clearly be read.

Daveynin / Flickr

Jamie added: “It’s crucial to check that your mirrors are clean and clear every time you use your car, as anything that may obstruct your vision will make it dangerous to drive.

“Any kind of dirt or grime on the windscreen can be incredibly dangerous as it can impact your view of the road ahead.

“In some instances having a dirty windscreen could be seen as careless driving and land motorists with a fine of up to £100 and points on the licence if an accident occurs as a result.

“Grime can build up on the windscreen over time, so give it a good wash to ensure visibility is at its optimum whilst out on the roads.”

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