Everyone has their favourite chocolate when it comes to Celebrations, but none divides opinion quite like the humble Bounty. The coconut flavoured sweet has an almost Marmite-like effect on people, and to be honest with you, I absolutely hate the bastards and they can all do one. However, if I bought a Celebrations advent calendar I would be prepared for the fact there’s definitely going to be at least a couple of Bountys in there.
But some people have managed to lose their shit over the inclusion of the divisive coco-chocs, after the first two doors both contained a Bounty. And they took to Twitter to voice their anger, even going as far as to say their Christmas was ‘ruined’ by a simple chocolate. One angry calendar owner said: “Was excited to open my advent calendar to start the festivities and I get greeted by a BOUNTY. Way to ruin Christmas, Celebrations. Thanks, I hate it.” These people were in agreement:
However, this enterprising guy decided to take advantage of the situation and set up a ‘Bounty donation centre’ for all the unwanted chocolates. Fair play:
Celebrations didn’t shy away from the controversy, taking to Twitter to expertly troll everyone who was complaining about the double Bounty start to the month:
Day three provided a bit of respite from the onslaught of hate, as Celebrations decided to calm down on the trolling and put a Mars in the third door. One Twitter user summed up our feelings on the matter quite nicely: “Oh dear. Why do people buy a celebrations advent calendar and then complain it has a celebrations chocolate in it…” Well played Celebrations, you knew exactly what you were doing when you added the double Bounty to the start of the month…