
Broody mother goose takes 47 cute babies under her wing

This is so cute!



Mike Digout / Facebook

We’ve all loved seeing little yellow goslings the past few months on the canal, but one man in Canada discovered a goose with quite a squad of babies with her.

Brace yourself for cuteness overload because this goose has got 47 little babies trailing behind her!

Mike Digout from Saskatoon in Canada spotted a goose when out on his walk on the Saskatchewan riverbank.

The first time he saw her she had 16 babies with her. He quickly snapped a photo of the unusual sighting and returned a few days later to find them again. 

The next time Mike found her she had a total of 47 babies following her. 

Speaking to The Dodo, he said: “I was stunned that this mom had 16 babies, so I started going back every night looking for this mom and her goslings and every day it seemed like she had a bigger group.”

This type of behaviour is actually pretty common, it’s known as ‘gang brood’ and often occurs in areas where there are lots of nests. 

One patient mother looks after another’s babies like super nanny to give the other parents a well-needed day off. 

Mike added: “It was incredible how calm she was with so many goslings around. She seems like such a patient mom.”

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