
A hairdresser has said we’re all making the same mistake when washing our hair

Everything we’ve been taught is a lie…



pxfuel & Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

While most of us are confident that washing our hair is a mastered skill, a hairdresser has claimed that the majority of people have been doing it wrong for years.

Can we not do anything right?

The hairdresser – known only as Felicity – unintentionally created a social media firestorm when she took to Twitter to share her professional advice on how to properly use shampoo. 

Apparently, it isn’t just the typical ‘shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse’ method that so many of us have adopted over the years.


Felicity said it had come to her attention that not everyone knows that when showering, shampoo needs to be applied and rinsed twice rather than once. 

She wrote: “The first time will cleanse the hair of all the oils and product build-up so that when you do it for the second time the shampoo can actually do what it’s intended to do.

“Also, only apply shampoo to the scalp and when you rinse it will run through the middle and the ends. Then only apply conditioner to the middle and ends of your hair, and use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to detangle in the shower while conditioner is on.


“And lastly remember to only wash your hair 2-3 times a week because too much washing can cause more build-up and damage to the hair.”

Of course, Twitter users couldn’t believe what they were hearing and, upon trying the method for themselves, were incredibly grateful for Felicity and her wisdom. One person wrote: “My hair honestly feels better now! I can’t believe what a difference that made – or that I’m 26 and just finally learned the right way to wash my hair from a Tweet.”

Another commented: “So I saw this yesterday and decided to try your 2x shampoo advice when I washed my hair tonight… Omg THANK YOU!”

Who else is trying out the method tonight?

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