
Holidaymakers will have to wear a face mask on the beach in Spain this summer

Would you still go to Spain on holiday?



If you’re planning on going to Spain for a holiday this summer then you better make sure you pack your face mask alongside the Factor 50.

It’s been announced that any holidaymakers heading to the country will have to wear face coverings on the beach, ITV News reports.

Spain is tightening mask rules, and while face coverings have been mandatory in places you can’t social distance since May 2020, as of this Wednesday the rules are getting even tougher.

This means face coverings will be required outdoors and in all public places, like the beach, for everyone over the age of six – unless you have a medical condition, respiratory problems or if you are exercising.

Julian Wan/Unsplash

However, while this new rule is to be processed as law, it depends on the agreement of regional health ministers and therefore might not be mandated nationwide.

For example, regional authorities could previously allow tourists to take their masks off while they were sunbathing – so long as they maintained a 1.5 metre distance.

Some regions have suggested they would not enforce the rule, with Balearic health minister Patricia Gómez indicating that masks at beaches and by pools will not be obligatory as long as people social distance.

Earlier this week health secretary Matt Hancock said ‘the door is not shut’ on international travel over the summer.

According to reports, the government is considering a four-tier traffic light system for international travel which could allow people to go abroad after May 17th.

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