
B&M selling massive 4.5-litre tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for just £5

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Joanne Stacey Plader/Facebook

B&M is selling huge tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream again, this time for just £5.

A few months ago, eagle-eyed shoppers spotted huge 4.5 litre tubs of Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice cream for just £3.50 in B&M’s freezers. 

The huge tubs are back, this time in the Peanut Butter Cup flavour, and they’ll cost you £1.50 more than last time. 

The tubs are usually stocked in businesses like restaurants and cinemas, but the closure of these throughout lockdown has left piles of the huge tubs.

Joanne Stacey Plader/Facebook

A 465ml tub of Peanut Butter Cup typically costs around £4.50 meaning you’d have to spend £43.50 on the small tubs to have the same amount of ice cream B&M are selling.

Per 100ml you’ll find 330 calories which means the giant tubs has a whopping 14,850 calories. 

The tubs are also around ten times bigger than normal so you’ll need to make room in the freezer before snapping one up! 

B&M are physical stores only, meaning you can’t get this huge saving online. Some B&M stores don’t have a freezer section either, so double-check to avoid disappointment!

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