
Asda is selling Giant Skittles packs for just £1

They look so good!



newfoodsuk / Instagram

Just when you thought Skittles couldn’t get any better, they go and release this.

That’s right, you can now get packs of Giant Skittles, and they look absolutely incredible.

They’re available at Asda, will set you back £1 for a bag, and they’re a whopping three times bigger than your average Skittle.

The bags were spotted by the Newfoodsuk Instagram page – a site dedicated to highlighting all the newest and best foods to hit UK shelves.

They wrote: “New Giant Skittles @asda £1! These are fun and full of flavour!! Taste the rainbow. We actually prefer these giant Skittles to the original Skittles, which now taste harder than the giant version!”

If you fancy tasting the rainbow in supersize fashion, head down to your nearest Asda to see if they have them in stock.

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