
You should be wearing face masks in certain shops from today

Clearing up the new rules…



From today it is compulsory to wear a face covering on public transport, however, it is also widely advised people do so in other situations where they cannot keep their distance. 

Many members of the public have been left confused following the latest updates regarding when they should be wearing face masks in public.

It is currently not compulsory to wear a face mask when out shopping in a supermarket. This is the same for retail shops and other non-essential shops. 

Businesses are also not legally required to provide PPE to employees but many stores have said they will be available.

In smaller shops, though, where it will be more difficult to maintain social distancing, it is advised to wear a face covering. 

The government has mostly left the decision open to the public regarding wearing face masks, asking them to use ‘common sense’.

So it is required by law from today to wear a face mask on public transport, but once you’ve got to your destination the choice is up to you. 

Studies show that wearing a mask is still beneficial even if you don’t feel ill, as transmission of COVID-19 can happen from people who are pre-symptomatic or a-symptomatic.

A study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A explains that if the entire public wear a mask, it will be twice as effective at reducing the R rate than if those showing symptoms wore a mask.

The COVID-19 transmission rate without a mask is around 17.4%, this drops to just 3.1% with a face mask.

Similarly, the latest research also shows that maintaining a 2-metre distance reduces the infection rate from 12.8% to 2.6%.  

Much of the research explains that the more people wear face masks the greater the impact will be on reducing transmission rates. 

When going out in public, be mindful of other people and do your bit to stop the spread of the virus – keep your distance and wear a mask if you can. 

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