
Will we have a White Christmas this year?

All the latest forecasts for our region



EthelRedThePetrolHead / Flickr

This year has been an absolute mess, and with the news of a new strain of coronavirus either cancelling Christmas or shortening the celebrations it just seems to get worse.

In Greater Manchester our festive ‘bubble’ plans have been shortened to just one day, December 25th, while in London and other Tier 4 areas Christmas mixing has been cancelled completely.

One thing that might brighten our spirits slightly on the big day is a fresh covering of snow – there’s something special about a White Christmas and if there was one year where we definitely deserve one, it’s 2020.

Stephen Gidley / Flickr

Well, like with everything this year it’s not good news. According to the Met Office, despite frosty conditions bringing a ‘seasonal feel’ to the country, anyone wishing for a White Christmas will most likely be disappointed.

Tom Morgan, a meteorologist at the Met Office, said: “It’s going to be dry for the vast majority of the UK, and it will be a cold and frosty start to the day, particularly for England and Wales.

“So there will be a seasonal feel in terms of white frost on the ground, but in terms of snow, we’re not anticipating any on the ground for the vast majority of the country, unfortunately.

“It’s going to be a frosty Christmas rather than a white Christmas.

“It’s a mild and wet start to the week in the south but turning much colder and sunnier for the Christmas period and I think everyone will notice that.

“Even though it’s not going to be a white Christmas, people will still need their big coats and scarves and hats for any walks they may be going on over the Christmas period.”

Dai O’Nysius / Wikimedia

Some parts of eastern Scotland could see a bit of snow on Christmas Eve, but it’s unlikely that any will fall on Christmas Day.

This week is expected to start with mild temperatures and rain for most of the country, with temperatures falling towards Christmas Eve and the big day itself – temperatures could fall as low as -3C in some parts of England on the morning of December 24th.

Mr Morgan said parts of the North, including Manchester, will see highs of 4C on Christmas Eve and 5C on Christmas Day.

There’s always next year, I guess…

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