
UK enters coronavirus ‘delay’ phase as virus ‘can no longer be contained’

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The coronavirus situation in the UK has been stepped up a level, with the government accepting that an outbreak can no longer be contained.

As such, the country has moved to a ‘delay’ phase, with Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announcing the news after a COBRA meeting.

The government’s objective is now to try and slow down the rate of infection, to reduce the number of people who contract coronavirus at the same time – this will help ease the burden on the NHS and protect at risk people.

mcfarlandmo / Flickr

According to Ms Sturgeon, anyone with symptoms should self-isolate for seven days, from Friday.

She added: “The decision has been taken that we have now moved from a contain phase, into the delay phase.

“The objective is to seek to slow down the spread of the virus, to reduce the numbers… infected at any one time. That is clearly important in trying to alleviate the pressure that is placed at any one time on our NHS.”

Ms Sturgeon also said the Scottish government will advise that mass gatherings of over 500 people are cancelled in Scotland from next week.

This comes as the total number of UK coronavirus cases rose to 590 today, Thursday March 12th, with a spike of 134 cases.

In Greater Manchester, a third case of coronavirus in Stockport was confirmed, meaning that as of 3pm today, there are 26 cases of the virus in the region.

According to Stockport Council, the patient is currently receiving the appropriate treatment in line with Public Health England guidance.

Council leader Elise Wilson said: “We’re working closely with health colleagues to stop the virus spreading. Our main aim is to protect our residents.

“But I urge everyone to take time and find out how best to protect yourself and others by visiting the NHS website.”

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