
There’s an Omicron symptom that only happens when you’re asleep, doctor says

Omicron has five key symptoms to look out for



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As Omicron cases continue to rise in the run-up to Christmas, a warning has been issued about an otherwise unheard of symptom that people need to be looking out for.

Speaking on ITV’s Lorraine, Dr Amir Khan revealed that doctors in South Africa – where the Omicron variant was first discovered – have found that patients infected with the virus are experiencing night sweats as they sleep. 

Dr Khan explained: “The symptoms that are coming out of South Africa by the doctors that are looking after patients with Omicron show these five new symptoms.

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“A scratchy throat, mild muscle aches, extreme tiredness, a dry cough and night sweats. Those kind of drenching night sweats where you might have to get up and change your clothes.

“And this is important. It’s important we keep on top of these symptoms, because if we’re going to keep track of Omicron here and worldwide we need to be able to test people with these symptoms.”

Professor Tim Spector, one of the founders of the Covid Zoe app which tracks cases and symptoms in communities, has previously spoken about the Omicron symptoms, noting that the majority are alike to the common cold.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the key symptoms to look out for are headaches, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue and sneezing. Unlike previous variants, a cough isn’t associated with Omicron.

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He said: “In London, where Covid is increasing rapidly, it’s far more likely to be Covid than it is to be a cold.

“We’re seeing doubling in the numbers equivalent to what’s being seen elsewhere, every two-and-a-half days, and that really means numbers are going up.”

The Prime Minister is to host an emergency Cabinet meeting today as the government comes under mounting pressure to enforce further restrictions over Christmas.

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