
Some companies to insist staff and customers still wear face masks after July 19th

Despite masks becoming voluntary from the 19th, some companies could still enforce them



Gabriella Clare Marino & @arturorey / Unsplash

A number of businesses and firms will continue to enforce the use of face masks upon their staff and customers, despite them becoming a matter of ‘personal choice’ after July 19th.

Airlines have been the ones to lead the way with the controversial decision – big names such as RyanAir and British Airways have said that both staff and passengers will still be required to wear a mask, regardless of the destination they’re travelling to and from. 

A spokesperson for RyanAir explained that their decision is in keeping with current guidance from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, as per the BBC.

Markus Winkler / Unsplash

And as for public transport? 

Well, the Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has said he is ‘very relaxed’ if transport operators want to make mask-wearing compulsory. 

He said that he thinks operators should do ‘what was right in given circumstances,’ adding that he would support individual transport organisations if they wanted to mandate the use of masks.

The most important thing, he said, was ‘to reassure people that it is safe to travel, which it is, as it happens.’

@arturorey / Unsplash

A number of retail outlets could also be enforcing the use of face masks across their work force and clientele – with the shop workers union Usdaw even urging the government not to lift Covid safety measures in shops.

Paddy Lillis, Usdaw general secretary, said: “Retail staff are working with the public every day and are deeply worried about catching Covid-19.

“This is not the right time to water down safety in stores and the government should not be removing the requirements for face coverings and distancing in busy public areas like shops.”

As of July 19th, Covid restrictions such as the use of face masks and social distancing will becoming voluntary as the country is urged to ‘learn to live with the virus.’

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