
Millions of people from UK invited to live and work in Australia

Fancy moving to ‘Straya?



Bernard Spragg NZ & Jordan Gellie / Wikimedia

Some 16 million people from across the UK could make the move to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa.

As of Saturday July 1st, the Australian Government made the long awaited amendment to its Working Holiday Visas by increasing the maximum age limit.

Like music to the ears for many, those aged between 18-35 from the UK can now travel to ‘Straya to live and work — as well as getting to experience life Down Under and take up surfing at the beach.

Bernard Spragg NZ / Wikimedia

The Working Holiday Visa is valid for up to three years and opens up a world of opportunity for working professionals looking to expand their horizons and experience life in Oz.

The maximum age limit has increased by five years as previously people over the age of 30 were not eligible for the visa.

This once in a lifetime opportunity is now up for grabs for many more UK workers.

Jordan Gellie / Wikimedia

The good weather — 2,800 hours of annual sunshine Aussies typically enjoy — is another major contributing factor as to why 30% of people from the UK choose to make the big move to the other side of the globe — a nice escape from the many rainy days we get up north!

Lifestyle (27%) and new experiences (23%) are also among peoples’ top reasons.

Sally Cope, Tourism Australia’s Regional General Manager for UK & Northern Europe, believes the five-year age range increase presents a ‘world of openings to young professionals and also offers an incredible lifestyle with Australia ready to welcome them’.

If you’re aged between 18-35 and would like to experience life in Australia, what are you waiting for?

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