
Marmite supplies have been hit by coronavirus causing Marmageddon for fans

Good news or bad?



Production of Marmite has been spread scarily thin due to a reduced supply of the brewer’s yeast.

Some bad news for Marmite lovers! 

The company has tweeted that due to a shortage in yeast supply, Marmite will only be being made in the small 250g jars.

The spread is made with yeast extraction which has become increasingly more difficult to get hold of due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

It comes from the closure of pubs following the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning brewers slowed or stalled production.

A customer asked the brand why larger 400g squeezy jars were hard to get hold of at the moment, Marmite responded with: “Due to brewers yeast being in short supply (one of the main ingredients in Marmite) Supplies of Marmite have been affected.

“As a temporary measure, we have stopped production of all sizes apart from our 250g size jar which is available in most major retailers.”

It’s been coined ‘Marmageddon’ on Twitter with users expressing concerns about a reduction in their beloved spread.

The other half of Twitter is pretty happy, though. 

Fingers crossed we don’t see another toilet roll situation that we all endured at the start of the lockdown with jars of Marmite.

According to The Grocer, coronavirus panic buying is the least of our worries. If we get a no-deal Brexit, the UK food shortages will be much worse. 

British Retail Consortium spoke to the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs committee and highlighted that in January 70% of soft fruits, 90% of lettuces and 80% of tomatoes come from Europe. 

It warned: “If we get a disorderly Brexit, we potentially face a bigger challenge than the food supply chain face with COVID.” 

So maybe smaller jars of Marmite is the yeast of our worries…

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