
How Manchester will remember the Arena attack victims on the fourth anniversary

Manchester will never forget



This weekend marks the fourth anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack, in which 22 innocent people tragically lost their lives.

The victims were killed when a terrorist detonated a bomb after an Ariana Grande concert on May 22nd 2017.

Saturday May 22nd will mark four years since the incident shook our city, and while pandemic-related restrictions do remain in place there will be some limited scope for gathering to pay tribute.

David Dixon / Geograph

According to the Oldham Chronicle, this year the anniversary will be marked with acts of remembrance at a morning (9am) and late afternoon (4.30pm) prayer service at Manchester Cathedral.

During the services the names of those who lost their lives will be read out, with both events livestreamed on the Manchester Cathedral Facebook page.

The cathedral will be open from 9.30am to 4.30pm during the day for private prayer and lighting candles, as people look to pay tribute to those affected by the events of that day.

However, leaving floral or other tributes outside the cathedral and around the city centre is being politely discouraged this year.

The cathedral bells, as well as the bells of those at  St Ann’s Church, will be tolled at 10.31pm on the day to mark the exact anniversary of the attack.

Manchester City Council

While the memorials this year will remain low-key, from next year the main focus point for commemorations will be the new Glade of Light memorial, with work on this expected to be finished by December, ready for next year’s fifth anniversary.

Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Manchester will never forget the terrible events of 22 May, 2017 nor the moving way the city came together to express solidarity with all those affected by the attack and a determination not to give in to hatred.

“This year will pay our respects once more, albeit in a necessarily low key fashion, and our thoughts remain especially with the families of those who lost loved ones in the attack.”

Joanne Roney OBE, Chief Executive of Manchester City Council, added: “Four years may have passed, but we know that for many the pain of what happened on 22 May 2017 has not diminished.

“We will always remember those who were killed, as well as those left with physical and mental injuries.

“Of course, anniversaries have a particular resonance but we don’t just remember them one day every year and it is heartening that good progress is being made on the city’s permanent memorial.”

Matthew Hartley / Flickr

If you know of any other events to commemorate the anniversary, please share them in the comments.

Our thoughts are with those who tragically lost their lives in the attack, and others who were affected by the events of that day.

Manchester will never forget. 

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