
Gyms and leisure centres could reopen from start of July, government minister says

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Leisure centres and gyms could reopen and five-a-side footie matches could be allowed from the start of July, according to the Culture Secretary. 

Oliver Dowden said that as part of the next stage of the nation’s coronavirus recovery, grassroots sports could be allowed.

Gym-goers will be able to get back to the treadmill and HIIT classes soon, and football fans allowed to have kickabout, Mr Dowden has said. 

At the Downing Street briefing, he said: “Sports recovery is never just about elite sports. I know people are itching to get back to their gyms, their leisure centres, their five-a-side leagues… and all the normal fitness activities.

“So we are working closely to get grassroots and community sport back and up running as soon as it’s safe to so – with an aim at the start of July at the very earliest.”

Danielle Cerullo/Unsplash

This is great news for anyone who has been longing to be back in the gym for some proper training.

It’s also expected to reduce congestion in parks where Brits have been allowed to do unlimited exercise for the past few weeks.

Gyms and leisure centres reopening is part of the Governments roadmap for getting the country up and running again.

Restaurants and hotels are also set to return in the same phase, and could open their doors to customers again from next moth.

Concerns for both restaurants and leisure centres include the possibility of successfully adhering to the 2-metre social distancing rule, and whether it is financially viable if they have to limit their numbers. 

Geert Pieters on Unsplash

The government has yet to confirm whether the hospitality sector will be able to reopen on the proposed date of July 4th. 

There have also been ‘intensive discussions’ as to when fans will be able to attend stadiums now that the Premier League has started again, according to Mr Dowden. 

Mr Dowden told the daily press briefing: “By the return of the new season, we might be in a position whereby some fans could start to return to stadiums.”

He added: “Clearly we will look at the positioning of fans, where they are relative to each other but there’s all the issue about how you get in and out of stadiums in a safe way, and how you have access to conveniences and everything else.”

In the meantime, Mr Dowden warned that fans need to watch from home to avoid the risk of spreading coronavirus, saying: “Please look after your fellow fans and communities by watching from home”.

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