
Government to introduce 10pm nightlife curfew and ask people to work from home again





Boris Johnson is set to announce today that people should work from home where they can and a curfew will force pubs, bars and restaurants to close by 10pm from Thursday. 

New measures to tackle the surge in Covid-19 is to be announced today. Boris is expected to issue a statement in the House of Commons before a TV address to the nation this evening. 

Michale Gove spoke to Sky News before the statement and said there would be a ‘shift in emphasis’ and ‘if it is possible people to work from home they should do so’.

He added: “They are reluctant steps we’re taking, but they’re absolutely necessary because as we were reminded yesterday and as you’ve been reporting, the rate of infection is increasing, the number of people going to hospital is increasing, therefore we need to act,”

The news not only puts a curfew on the hospitality industry but also restricts the industry, by law, to table service only. 

The updates comes as the chief medical officers for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales raised the Covid-19 alert level from three to four. 

Mr Johnson is expected to host a cabinet meeting this morning at 8:30am, where ministers will sign off the proposals.

Following that, he will chair an emergency COBRA committee of senior ministers and officials, plus Nicola Sturgeon, Mark Drakeford, Arlene Foster, Michelle O’Neill. 

Mr Johnson will then issue a statement in the Commons at 12:30pm and then a Downing Street broadcast at 8pm.

The TV broadcast will be about ‘further ways we will confront the virus in line with the latest scientific advice, and the role everyone can continue to play in tackling the spread, including by following the social distancing guidance, wearing face coverings and washing hands regularly’, according to Number 10. 

Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy spoke to Sky News: “If it takes the pressure off those people who have to go into the workplace, then I think it’s very welcome news.”

She added: “But I do hope the government comes forward with a much more comprehensive message later today.

“I think people are now really struggling to understand what it is they’re being asked to do and why.”

Downing Street confirmed Mr Johnson held meetings with scientific advisers, ministers and senior officials over the weekend. On Sunday, MR Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a summit to hear scientific views from across the spectrum. 

Monday began with a briefing from Professor Whitty and Sir Patrick which explained that the number of coronavirus cases a currently doubling every seven days. They added that if this rate continued, this would be close to 50,000 cases a day by mid-October. 

Matt Hancock explained that the response reflected a significant shift in the current threat posed by coronavirus: “This country now faces a tipping point in its response and it is vital everybody plays their part now to stop the spread of the virus and protect lives,”

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