
Doctor runs 22 miles in a face mask to prove they don’t lower your oxygen levels

This proves a lot of people wrong!




A doctor decided to run the 22 miles to work and back while wearing a face mask to prove to the public that they don’t lower oxygen levels. 

Tom Lawton, an ICU doctor at Bradford Royal Infirmary, explains that he has seen what coronavirus can do to people ‘no matter how old or young they are’. 

In an effort to raise awareness of wearing a mask and the benefits of mask-wearing in reducing the coronavirus transmission rate, he set out on a mammoth run while wearing one, as he was ‘sick of seeing misinformation’ being spread about face coverings.

He simultaneously raised over £2,100 for the Trussell Trust. 

Speaking to the Yorkshire Evening Post he said: “I’ve done this because, working on ICU and in the hospital, I’ve seen some of the worst of what this virus can do – even to people in their 20s and 30s.

“I don’t think there’s a single magic bullet that will fix this but a whole series of things we can do which play a small part each.

“One of those, and one of the easiest, is probably wearing masks. So it upsets me to see misinformation about oxygen levels etc that might scare people away from them.”

During his run, he carried an Oxygen SATS metre which proved his thinking by showing 98% oxygen levels throughout his run. 

He continued: “I’d never actually run in a mask before doing it for real. I was confident in medical and physiology training.

“The mask didn’t come off at all (not even for food or drink during the runs) – and oxygen levels were stubbornly 98% every time I checked.

“Please feel free to cite this when anyone suggests they’re bad for you, and stay safe – and COVID-free.”

In explaining why he chose Trussell Trust – a charity that works to stop poverty and hunger in the UK through foodbanks and other support – he explained that it is the poorest who have been hardest hit by the pandemic.

He explained: “The choice of the Trussell Trust for fundraising was because they run the main food banks I’m aware of in Bradford, and many nationally.

“They were already needed too much prior to 2020, and the pandemic has made things worse for so many people – I’ve seen reports on how many children don’t have enough to eat right now so I feel it’s something really important to try to help.”

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