Employers have been urged to spread a little Christmas cheer this year and swing their employees a few extra pennies.
A Labour MP has called for firms that will not be able to hold the traditional Christmas do this year to give staff a £200 bonus instead.
Chris Evans, Labour MP for Islwyn, has written an open letter to Chancellor Rishi Sunak.
He wrote: “It would be a good way for employers to say thank you to those who work for them and make up for the odd working conditions of 2020 – not to mention the ban on office parties.
“It’s win-win for everybody. The workers would get a few extra quid, it would be a morale booster for the company and it wouldn’t cost them an extra penny.
“It would be up to the employers to decide if they want to do this of course, but it would be a good way of saving money in the long run.
“And it might just save Christmas spirit for a few people along the way.”