
Boris Johnson announces drastic new coronavirus measures





As the death toll from coronavirus rises to 35 in the UK, Boris Johnson has announced a range of new measures.

The Prime Minister convened with the Cobra committee for an emergency meeting this afternoon, to discuss strengthening the country’s measures to tackle coronavirus.

He then addressed the public on Covid-19, as part of the daily updates he’s now delivering.

Boris told the nation that people need to start working from home, saying: “Now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact with others, we need people to start working from home.”

The Prime Minister also said the government no longer supports mass gatherings, as everyone should stop all non-essential contact with others, including avoiding pubs, clubs and other venues, with people taking only essential travel.

He also had some new isolation advice: “Last week we asked everyone to stay at home with a high temperature or a new and continuous cough.

“Today we need to go further, it looks like we are approaching the fast part of the upward curve and cases could double every 5 or 6 days.

“If you or anyone in your household has one of those two symptoms, you should stay at home for 14 days – only going out for exercise at a safe distance.”

Chief medical officer Chris Whitty stressed that most people will only have a mild or moderate disease, before adding: “This is going to go on for some time – it will be a prolonged period. But a significant minority will need hospital care, a small amount of those will need intensive care and sadly some will die.”

Whittey also said that anyone over 70, people under 70 with significant health issues and pregnant women should take additional care to minimise their social contact.

As of Monday morning the number of coronavirus deaths stood at 35, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock saying that over-70s might have to stay home for up to four months.

The latest figures showing a total of 1,543 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK.

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