
Archie Battersbee’s family lose Supreme Court bid to block life support withdrawal

The panel said they reached their final decision ‘with a heavy heart’



Hollie Dance

Archie Battersbee’s family have lost their last minute Supreme Court bid to keep his life support on.

A last ditch appeal attempt was launched this morning as the twelve-year-old’s mother, Hollie Dance, vowed to ‘battle’ to keep her son alive.

However, the Supreme Court have stated this afternoon that ‘it was not in Archie’s best interests’ to continue treatment.

A spokesperson said: “The Justices have great sympathy with the plight of Archie’s devoted parents who face a circumstance that is every parent’s nightmare – the loss of a much-loved child.

“It has to be borne in mind that, sadly, the central issue between Archie’s parents on the one hand and the NHS trust, which is supported by Archie’s very experienced guardian, has not been about Archie’s recovery but about the timing and manner of his death.”

Concluding, the panel added they reached their final decision ‘with a heavy heart’ and extended sympathies to Archie’s family.

The youngster’s family submitted a last minute appeal moments before his life support was due to be switched off earlier today, arguing that their son needs more time to recover.

His mum Hollie told Sky News this morning: “I know Archie’s still with us. Archie’s showing very different signs to what the clinicians are actually putting over to the courts. He’s very much there, he’s progressing in so many ways.”

Archie was found unconscious at his home in Southend, Essex in April this year after taking part in what is believed to have been an online challenge. Archie’s parents have persistently appealed for their son to be given more time to recover from his brain injury, despite doctors stating it would not be in his best interests.


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