
All Covid travel tests to be scrapped for vaccinated UK arrivals

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Manchester Airport / Facebook

All Covid testing requirements for vaccinated travellers arriving into the UK are to be scrapped, the government has confirmed today.

From 4am on February 11th, the ‘day two’ lateral flow test that double-vaccinated arrivals must currently undertake will no longer be necessary.

The Prime Minister has said the further relaxation of the travel rules was designed to show that the country was open to travellers and business.

Johnson said, as per The Independent: “You will see changes so that people arriving no longer have to take tests if they have been vaccinated, if they have been double vaccinated.

“Thanks to the tough decisions, I think people will agree we got the big calls right… we are now moving through the Omicron wave.

“So what we’re doing on travel to show this country is open for business, people arriving no longer have to take tests if they’ve been double vaccinated.”

@lucidtech / Wikimedia Commons

However, the rules look set to remain the same for unvaccinated arrivals, who must present a negative Covid test before departing for the UK, isolate for ten days on arrival and take PCR tests on day two and day eight of quarantine.

This comes as Boris Johnson gradually relaxes all Plan B Covid restrictions currently in place, including the use of face masks in public spaces, Covid passports and the ongoing work from home order.

Johnson added that the government will still ‘suggest’ the use of face coverings in cramped or crowded spaces from January 27th, saying: “We will trust the judgment of the British people.”

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