Food & Drink

You can make your own McDonald’s cheeseburgers at home

Come get invovled!



I don’t know about you guys but this lock down is getting to me!!! Not because I can’t see my family or friends, no, it’s because I can’t go and grab a cheeseburger from McDonald’s!

My daughter, Dorothy, is also feeling my pain – she misses her happy meals goddammit!!

So with this predicament in mind, I thought I’d make some at home; 1. to get my fix and 2. to keep Dorothy’s mind occupied through these crazy times. Plus I believe cooking is classed as home schooling… right!?

Me and Dorothy are going to be cooking our own McDonald’s cheeseburger on the bbq at home and you can cook along with us LIVE through Proper Manchester’s Facebook today, Friday April 24th at 12pm.

Fat Sam & Dorothy with their McDonald’s Cheeseburger BBQ solution

The’re actually really easy to make with minimal ingredients and most of you will have them in your cupboard/fridge at home. Well be cooking on my BBQ but you guys can follow us using a regular pan on your cooker.

Ingredients that you’ll need…

1. Beef mince: you can use whichever you prefer but i always try to go for the fattier mix 20% fat so you get all those fatty juices. Out of 1 pack you should get around 4 patties.

2. White onion: you’ll need to dice this.

3. Gherkins: completely optional.

4. Mustard

5. Tomato ketchup

6. Burger buns: I used brioche as I love the sweet taste.

7. Cheese slices

Make your own Maccies Cheeseburgers with Fat Sam Eats & Dorothy
Live-streamed on Proper Manchester’s Facebook account

Date: Friday 24th April
Time: 12pm



Follow Fat Sam Eats on Facebook HERE

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