Food & Drink

Wetherspoons is slashing its prices for one day in protest of hospitality tax

We’ll drink to that…



Wetherspoons, the king of cheap pints, is set to make its drink menu a whole lot cheaper in a one day price slashing in protest of rising hospitality tax.

The tax rate for pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality establishments was reduced to  5% to help the hospitality sector survive the pandemic, but it is set to increase to 12.5% at the end of this month.

And, by 2022, it is expected to return to the usual 20%.

@emergeartistry / Unsplash

Of course, this news hasn’t sat well with Wetherspoons boss and pro Brexiteer Tim Martin, who has insisted the lower tax rate needs to continue to help pubs stay competitive with big supermarket chains, who don’t pay VAT on food and so can sell discounted alcohol.

Martin said in a statement: “Taxes should be fair and equitable. However, it is unfair that supermarkets pay zero VAT on food, but pubs and restaurants, in normal circumstances, pay 20%.

“Pubs have been under fantastic pressure for decades, owing to the tax disadvantages which they have with supermarkets. Customers in our pubs on Tax Equality Day will find that the price of their food and drinks will be lower than normal.

“We urge the chancellor to create tax equality between pubs and supermarkets by making permanent the current VAT régime for pubs. He should note that the main impact of tax inequality is on high streets and town and city centres, which depend heavily on a diversity of prosperous hospitality businesses for economic, social and employment success.”

So Martin has responded in the most ‘Spoons way possible – on September 23rd, which happens to be Tax Equality Day, all Wetherspoons pubs across England will be offering a 7.5% discount on their beverages.

Sadly, the discount won’t be applicable in Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and airports due to licensing regulations.

The move will highlight a ‘permanent VAT reduction in the hospitality industry.’

Find your nearest ‘Spoons here.

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