Food & Drink

Scientists claim to have made the ‘perfect’ brew in a microwave

This might cause WW3…



Acabashi & Apoltix/Wikimedia

New research by scientists in China claims that the perfect way to make a cup of tea is in the microwave. 

According to a spokesman for the American Institute of Physics, which published the research, they found a way to make the ‘perfect’ brew in the microwave. They added: “A future in which tea can be microwaved without ridicule may not be too far away.” 

The research, which was completed on August 4th this year, says the problem with using a microwave is that it doesn’t heat the water uniformly as a kettle does. This means that there will be cold spots. 

So what the actual problem with using a microwave, according to this research, is what you’re heating it up in. 


Essentially, these scientists created a problem to fix it – inventing a special vessel that has a silver-plated upper chamber which overcomes the problem with uneven heating of water in the microwave. 

And yes, this very specific metal is fine to put in the microwave. This is due to some seriously sciency geometry that I’m not even going to try and explain, you can read the full science report here if you’re in to that.

What this does mean though is that at some point in the future (hopefully not this year, I don’t think 2020 can handle it) microwaves will be designed with this new perfect water-heating accessory built-in.

And that means we’ll all be making a brew in the microwave fit for the Queen.

It’s safe to say the God tier level of tea, Yorkshire Tea, are NOT happy about it. And rightfully so. 

In fact, most people are pretty fuming about it, one Twitter user wrote: “As an American, use a pot if you don’t have a kettle. Microwaving a cup of tea is a crime against humanity and worthy of a punishment no lesser than the firing squad.”

Another simply put: “I’m sure it’s illegal.”.

Will you be throwing out the kettle for one of these new microwaves? 

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